
The ram blowout preventer is one of the key elements of the well control system. It is mainly used to control the well head pressure during such operations as drilling, downhole operations, servicing, and oil testing to prevent any blowout hazard effectively and ensure safe operations. Specifically, the FZ18-35/2FZ18-35 ram blowout preventer can perform the following operations:

1. When there is a pipe string in a well, the circular space between the casing and the pipe string could be sealed with pipe rams or variable diameter rams with matched specifications.
2. When there isn’t a pipe string in a well, the wellhead could be shut off completely with blind rams.
3. In cases of emergency, the pipe string can be cut by cutting the drill pipe to seal the wellhead completely.
4. After the well has been sealed, such special operations as mud circulation, choking, killing, and well washing can be performed through a pipe manifold for well killing and choking connected to the spool and side outlet of the body.
5. When used together with the pipe manifold for choking and killing, it can control the well pressure effectively and achieve near-balance well-killing operations.